Wednesday, October 29, 2008

G's Eye Incident

Ok for those of you who missed out on this tramatic event - here' what happened to G's eye.

While I was in Canada moving the remaining things out of our house (BTW it is incredible how much crap one family can accumulate!), I get a call almost mid-way through my visit.
Bill calls me to tell me there's an emergency and G is hurt. He starts to explain that they had a fire going in our yard (this is mostly how they handle garbage here - to explain later) and something exploded out of the fire into G's eye.

I ask him if he took G to the hospital yet - oh no, it just happened and G was crying and wanted to talk to me. Ok NOW I freak out and yell at hubby to GET G TO THE HOSPITAL TO HAVE HIS EYE LOOKED AT - WHAT ARE YOU DOING WASTING TIME ON THE FREAKING PHONE!!!! He reminds me that the reason for the call is that G wanted to hear my voice so I quickly tell him I love him and to be brave and listen to the doctor and once again emphatically tell hubby to get his rear to the hospital.

Once I am off the phone - now I cry. I really want to hold my baby. I do my best to not let my mind go to the worst case scenario so I pray and trust that God will protect my little one. I go back to work on packing to try to keep my mind off my G.

I get a call back about an hour later ( that's right - there are no huge waiting lines at the private hospital!) from hubby at the hospital. G is ok -the doctor doesn't think there is any damage to his eye, though they had to wash quite a bit of plastic out of his eye. Most of the damage is to his eyelid. It burned off some of his beautiful, long eyelashes. Bill sent me a picture the next day:

That was probably the toughest time away from my kids I have ever experienced. I started to wonder if they were safe at all away from me (ok I know that doesn't make sense) and I just really wanted to hold my boy to 'make it better'. Of course he was fine shortly after the hospital as daddy spoiled them with ice cream. I couldn't wait to see them again.

I took some pictures when I finally saw him a week later. That was 2 months ago, and as I mentioned in my last blog - he still has a scar.
It doesn't seem to detract anyone from talking about how 'guapo'(handsome) he is. He will tell you himself that he has a lot of girlfriends. He will also tell you that he's not allowed to kiss any girls except on the cheek until he's 16. I've made sure he understands that! Here in Mexico it is customary to give a little kiss on the cheek - between women, children and adults and between the oposite sex - although between the oposite sex so far seems to be hit and miss - maybe only for good friends and family. I'll have to find out more about that. The French in Quebec have the same kind of tradition, except for them its 2 kisses- one for each cheek. And men kiss women on the cheek for friends and family or to show a desire for friendship. I am guessing that it is along the same lines here.

Anyway - sorry for going off-topic - but we originally told the boys they couldn't kiss girls at all until they were 16. Then they started freaking out when the girls tried to kiss them on the cheek - so we had to revise the rule. Now he knows it's ok if the girls kiss him on the cheek - but that's all.
So now those of you who were uninformed are updated as to the eye incident.
So now more details on the garbage thing. I don't know if it's because we are in the country or if it's just part of the way things are here, but recycling is definitely not happening here - unless you are talking about buying your Coke in the retro little glass bottles and returning them to the store for a refund. No recycling for paper, plastic, whatever. We have yet to meet the garbage collection guys to tip them ( a must here) and let them know we want our garbage collected. Most people in our little town would rather burn their garbage than tip the garbage guys - which explains why they don't automatically pick up the garbage. There is a dump in the neighboring town on San Isidro, but usually Bill forgets, and by the time he gets home, it's too late or he doesn't want to go back out to go to the dump. As a farm boy - he sees nothing wrong with burning it- especially since they are doing anything with it at the landfill anyway. I must say I am starting to see his point of view.
Ahhh la vida en Mexico!


  1. Oh wow! I had NO idea! THank goodness it all turned out as good as it did. I don't want to freak you out, but now that it's all over, I guess it's okay to share this with you.......

    My sister went through this same thing with one of her daughters when she was G's age. And yes, they burn their garbage ....tis a country thing for sure. I grew up that way as well.

    Anyway.....the garbage exploded and hot plastic flew clear across the yard over to where my niece was on her swing set. The HOT piece of plastic melted to the whole side of her face and neck. It was horrible. They doused her with the garden hose, and took her in to the hospital immediately. She had lot's of skin grafting and surgeries, but she does not have any scarring except for one real obvious piece just under her hair line. It turned out to be a miracle.

    So I COMPLETELY under stand your fears and hear G's pain. SO GLAD IT TURNED OUT ALL RIGHT! HE sure is a cutie pie. Scar and all. : D

  2. Thanks for sharing that story - it actually helps me realize even more what I tell G - that his Father in Heaven was looking out for him and protecting him against much worse. I feel it is a miracle that his eye is ok.

    Even though I will keep burning garbage - no plastic is allowed and the kids are not allowed near it either - we just try to reduce the amount of plastic (especially bottles) we bring home.
