This changed with the passing of our dog, Zeus. This impacted C more deeply than I had expected. Bill lobbied hard for a new dog, and I put it off saying when we were in Mexico AND we had a fenced yard, AND he totally took care of it, we could get a dog. View the story here.
I was ok with the dog as C and Bill were taking care of him.
Then last week we were walking home from the center of town with the dog. We passed the little creek close to our home, and heard a little 'mew'. Tius launched at the place where the sound came from. I pulled Tius off and the boys picked up a tiny white kitten.
We looked around. No mother cat, other kittens or homes nearby that this little kitten could have come from. I mean this little one is about 3 weeks old.
So here's the big truth in it all. As much as I try to be tough, I could not leave this tiny thing left to whatever other dog, snake or starvation. So we took it home.
It was so young, we had to feed it milk with a syringe. I am still trying to figure out how to find another home for it.
I find out that unfortunately, it is common for some people here to discard unwanted baby animals on the side of the road to become food for stray dogs, or whatever. That also did not help my efforts in finding someone to adopt this little critter. We decided to allow G to have this kitten and take responsibility for it. He had wanted a puppy for himself and was very disappointed when we told him he had not yet learned to be gentle enough to our family cats to earn the right to own his own pet. He since learned his lesson and strives to be more patient and helpful. This kitten would be far less work than a puppy and it would show a confidence boost in his ability to care for an animal (supervised of course).
That's not the end of my story. The next day, C and G go next door to visit their neighbor friend. On the way home, C finds another kitten, easily a block away from where we found the first one, and a week older than the first one, or so it seemed. This kitten was larger, more developed (it could eat out of a dish). Ugh. Same scenario, I couldn't just leave him alone out there to be lunch.
So now I have more on my to do list - as any mother knows it takes more work to TEACH responsibility than to actually do it yourself. Thankfully, both kittens can now each out of a bowl - but need to be fed 4 times a day. G is very happy with his new responsibility and doing very well - though we often have to remind him that it is not a stuffed toy.
I think one of my volunteer projects will be establishing an SPCA here - or at the very least - finding a way to get all these animals spayed/neutered - before I have a house full of cats.
good idea, you don't want to turn into a 'cat lady' :O)
ReplyDeleteThey are adorable especially from this side of the story :D
Oh and Megan Doll seems to have gone into labor early this morning, hopefully we'll have some news soon.
I was just thinking the same thing about a SPCA! Pretty soon you will be known as the lady who takes in strays. Your house and yard will be full! LOL!
ReplyDeleteThey are cute though. : D
awwwww, they're super cute. You'll be the crazy Canadian Cat lady! lol
ReplyDeleteMUAHAHAHAHA. sucka!~ you're soooo predictable! ;)
Love that you love so easily!
You are too sweet. Sweeter than I would be. But honestly, who could resist those adorable faces? I bet G is loving it.