Ok I know it's been a while since my last blog. Ok - a REALLY long time. Whew - who knew Mexico would be busy!
I do have a lot to write about - though today I just wanted to do some basic highlights. Let's see....

School has started at our Casa. Hmmm even more work than I thought. Not so much because of the actual preparation, etc. Just because C requires constant supervision or his mind escapes and nothing gets done or learned. Very frustrating. Then G gets frustrated because C dominates so much time - gets bored then disruptive. Ugh. I am glad I never decided to become a school teacher for a profession! My Dad suggested I get more creative and incorporate more fun stuff into learning to help encourage C to want to learn. So that is what we are trying. We are working on making a claymation movie. He has to write a script first (Language arts) edit it, count out the number of sequences (that's all the math I've figured into it yet) do the rough sketches as a film strip then we will shoot the movie with my camera. It should at least get him writing and reading his own writing - and definitely handle the art aspect.
For math we have been playing store. He's practicing giving change so that he can sell lemonade on the roadside to earn money for a toy he wants. It's a start.

G's eye is still scarred, but his vision doesn't seem to be affected. He's a bit more defiant - but everybody loves him. He's called 'Guapo' just about everywhere we go -even with the scar on his eye. The workers at the beach all love him too. He was 'helping' them shovel sand the other day to prepare for a walkway. The worker gave him rides back and forth in the wheelbarrow to get sand. It doesn't seem to matter that G speaks little Spanish, they like having him around.
Residential Oasis is moving along well. Casas 1 & 2 are basically finished -except for a few details that I have been out at the beach almost every day helping with. The boys have been spending a lot of time on the beach since we are all out there. Casas 3 & 4 are going along a little slower than we originally hoped, but still well within the construction schedule.

C finally lost his 4th tooth which for some reason was complete drama! He howled and cried even though the tooth hung on by a thread for a week! We finally got tired of it (it was sticking straight out of his mouth and looked like a hillbilly) and yanked it out. He cried far more about the THOUGHT of the tooth being ripped out than it hurting at all.

I stopped to take some pics after the tooth came out, and couldn't get the boys to give me a decent pose. These pictures are the best I could get.
Panther, our black cat died while I was in Canada in August. We don't know for sure why - though he was older, overweight and had we think arthritis in one leg. Anyway -it was sad that I wasn't there since I was the only family member that Panther would really trust.

That's all the updates for now on our little family - I have lots of other adventures to write about in later blogs.......
LOL! I was beginning to wonder! The nosy part of me can't stand not knowing what you're up to!! :)
ReplyDeleteYAY!! You are alive.
ReplyDeleteSorry about Panther. I tell ya, coming to my house is a bad omen for EVERYONE in your family! lol :)
Ug, I do NOT envy you the homeschooler. No other comments on that one!! LOL
Love you.
There are SO many teachers and school Principals on both sides of our families and so we TRULY appreciate teachers and what they do. THat is for sure.
ReplyDeleteI home taught the kids when there was a couple of School strikes for the CBE over the years.....I totally EMPATHIZE with you.
I must of missed something.....or it's been that long.....but WHAT eye scar? WHat happened???
FINALLY! Everyone keeps asking if you're still alive. Good luck with school, make sure you get recess as well.