Ahh Today's adventure. Ok seriously. Almost every day is a new discovery or adventure here! So this day is Lizards. We have two iguanas that live outside my kitchen window. The border of our yard is a small canal. They sun themselves on that canal almost every afternoon along with a baby one here or there. So the kids are always looking for these guys. Lucky for the iguanas, as soon as the door to our house opens, the iguanas disapear, so the kids have learned to watch them from inside the house. Leafy (named by G) is always sitting directly in front of the window, but Cole (named by C) sits further down, which makes picture taking difficult. We think one might be female, but since both are sheding their skins right now, we are waiting until they are finished to get a better look at the colorings, etc.
Whew! a pet I don't have to explain to my children CAN NOT LIVE IN THE HOUSE!
More adventures tomorrow......
You guys have one adventure after another! I love reading about it.. makes me *almost* feel like I'm there! Oh, I miss you guys! Congrats on the new dog, and on NOT having iguanas in the house ;) So cool that you can watch them from your window, though. Can't wait to visit!