The House is much bigger than any of my previous places have been. Tile everywhere - zero carpet (no problem for me - feels cleaner that way). Bill had repainted most of the house except a couple of rooms. We are just renting this house until our beach home is complete - about 1 year. The owners had some real funky color choices. Here's our before and after pics.

While sweeping in the boy's room (above) we found what the locals call a 'kissing gecko". We have a couple of them residing with us here. Now, before you get all grossed out, they are actually not bad house guests because:
1. They stay out of your way - won't crawl around where you are, just up high on the walls or in corners.
2. They eat mosquitoes, spiders and other creepy crawlies.
3. They make this cute kissing sound at night when things quiet down. Well ok - it's kinda loud. Not loud enough to wake you from sleep - but loud enough to hear them with the TV on. Still cute though.

C, my oldest caught it and wanted to keep it as a pet. I decided to let them hang on to it for a little while so they could watch him and enjoy their new discovery. While trying to catch him, I grabbed his tail ( like I would a gerbil) only to learn that they lose their tails as a defensive mechanism - which they grow back.
We finally let him go about an hour later - I had a couple of fruit flys that came in from our huge pineapple we bought that morning that needed to be eaten.......